
一般社団法人 東京国際武術交流協会の設立について





令和6年3月28日 代表理事 徐 広林


The Tokyo International Wushu Exchange Association, a general incorporated association, wasestablished with the objectives of Tai Chi competitions such as the Tokyo International Wushu Festival,planning various events, providing health exercise guidance, and fostering Japanese-Chineseinternational cultural exchanges.

Both Japan and China are increasingly advancing towards an aging society, and promoting healthexercises for the elderly is becoming an especially important issue. Furthermore, as embodied in thefounding spirit of the Olympics, international exchanges through sports are extremely significant fromthe perspective of world peace.

The Tokyo International Wushu Exchange Association is diligently continuing its efforts, albeit modest,to realize these noble ideals. We sincerely request your participation and support for the variousinitiatives hosted by our association.

March 28th, Reiwa 6 (2024),    Representative Director,    Xu Guanglin

東京国際武術節のホームページ https://iwsf.tokyo/